Visitor Rules

For the Safety of our Campers and Staff, the following MSC VISITOR RULES should be observed:

  • Visitors must prearrange their visit by contacting the directors:
  • Absolutely NO WEDNESDAY NIGHT VISITORS for Senior Week
  • Absolutely NO TUESDAY NIGHT VISITORS for Junior Week
  • Visitors should NOT plan to eat meals with the campers.  Our campers and staff put in a long day and we need to make sure there is plenty of food for them.
  • Visitors must comply with the MSC dress code, or they will be asked to leave.
  • Visitors who have prearranged their visit should notify a staff member when they arrive, before finding their camper or interacting with any team/group.
  • Visitors who plan to attend evening activities should bring their own lawn chair.
  • Visitors may NOT enter cabins without permission from one of the directors or cabin staff.
  • All visitors must leave when evening activities are concluded.