Stephen Harris led our Thursday morning Flag Pole talk on the idea of Discipline.
II Tim 1:7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. That “Sound Mind” can be refereed to as “Self Discipline”. Just as power is the Ability to stand when no one will stand with you. Discipline is the ability to stand when you want to quit, to rise when you want to fall.
Self Discipline refers to the ability we have to say No to sin and stand for ourselves and for God when we would rather do what our friends are doing.
Self Discipline means conscientiously deciding to keep going even though you are tired or weak an you just want to give up.
So, why do we keep going even though were tired… Even though were sweaty, even though we just want to stop. When asked the question “What does self-discipline mean to you”? Several of out Group 3 boys responded with
- It keeps you on track
- It helps to get you where you want/need to be
That’s why self discipline is so important – Why you push through – Why you keep going.
Because our goal and aim of Heaven is worth going through any discomfort or suffering we might experience on this side of eternity.
James 1:12 – Blessed is the man who endures temptation ; for when he has been approved, he will receive the crown of life which the Lord has promised to those who love him.

Your Campers have another fun-filled day of Activities despite the rain!
- Breakfast: Bacon, Eggs, French Toast Sticks and Cereal.
- Lunch: Texas Taco, Salad Bar & Ice Cream Sandwiches for Dessert.
- Dinner: Chicken & Noodles (This Staffers’ Favorite of the week), Green Beans, Mashed Potatoes, Biscuits & Eclair Cake for Dessert.
- Shoot something with Something (Paintball)
- Bible Study
- Softball
- Deal or No Deal
- Canoe Heats
- Lip Synch Practice
- Projectile Avoidance
- Camper Talent Show
- Your Top 5 Team finishers in Disc Golf are: Orange, Silver, Blue, 3-way tie for fourth: Purple, Lime & Hunter. Navy rounds out your top finishers
- Your Top 5 Team finishers in Soccer are: Lime, Orange, Gold, Green & Navy
- Your Top 5 Team finishers in Air Raid are: Gold, Orange, Red, Navy & Blue