Dustin Russell led the different groups in a Wednesday Morning Bible Study. Here is a quick outline of the applications taught to your campers:
“A Spirit of love”
- Love is showing concern for the best interest of others
2. Love is always honest
God has given us a spirit of power that we demonstrate by loving others. A problem we all face is “Love” has been redefined by our culture. Society tells us that love is defined by our and that love is demonstrated by supporting individual as they “live their truth”. However, the Bible tells us almost the opposite. God’s word teaches us that love is defined by our actions. Biblical love is demonstrated by showing concern for the best interest of others. The best interest of others is based on not an individual is truth, but God’s eternal truth. Love is always honest!
Unfortunately, always acting in the best interest of others God’s word is not always popular. It takes courage to love others this way and to sacrafice of ourselves for others. This is why God does not give us a “spirit of fear”, but rather he gives us a “spirit of power and of love” – II Tim 1:7
God, out of his eternal love for you, had a plan before time began – before the creation of the world, he had a plan which was to prepare a home for us all with him in heaven for eternity. And yet, people are embarrassed play genuine, Biblical love towards others. Why would we ever be ashamed of God quote “who has saved us and called us with a Holy calling” – II Tim 1:9. As vs 8 teaches: Therefore, do not be ashamed of the testimony of our Lord.