It’s always amazing how quickly time flies #mscsrweek. Your campers have had a great few days of competing while still encouraging one another, building relationships that we pray last a lifetime and there’s still more to come!
Friday Morning was kicked off with a Mess Hall Flag Raising (It was pouring rain), Pledge of allegiance and recitation of our memory verse for the week: Matt 5:13 all led by Mitchell King.
After breakfast, your camper went back to cabins for devotionals, cabin cleaning and for possibly the first time ever, a very quick NAP – Yes, you’re reading that correctly! The weather delayed our morning for a bit, but the few extra minutes of zzzzz’s seemed to be well received!
Dustin Russell led an all camp Bible Study at 9:45 on the idea of Understanding and using our influence for Good and leading others to Christ.
Today is Friday meaning TEAM LUNCH Day and “GET CRAZY MSC” – Watch for videos later.
After Lunch, your campers will participate in Tug of War and the World Famous MSC Obstacle Course.
After a quick shower and dinner, campers will put their week long hard work with Lip Sych practice on display at 9 PM – Guest judges included!
The Final night in 2022 MSC Senior Camp will conclude with a camp fire (weather permitting) and singing.
Stay tuned for more pics and videos as time and connectivity allows!