CANOES: Your Campers continue to learn the way around a canoe and how to work together to make it go where they want! They say practice makes perfect, so we’ll see if that translates to the Canoe heats happening tomorrow!!

AIR RAID: The last few times your campers have played Air Raid it’s been muddy, which seems to be the preferred way to play, but despite the rain earlier today there was no mud to be found; but plenty of smiles! Top 3 Air Raid scores: Lime – 144, Red – 128, Navy – 124

SOCCER: It’s quickly clear when watching Soccer that many of these kids have played A LOT of soccer in their young lives! Wow – Lots of Talent and Team Spirit on display Today! Top 3 Soccer Scores: We had (2) 2-Way Ties: Team Green & Team Gold – 6, Team Hunter & Team Blue – 4