Kings Island Tickets

Well, Monday is here once again. Hopefully, everyone is recovering from their post-camp recoveries. Time to gear up for our Kings Island trip this coming Friday! Information about this year’s trip can be found HERE. We’ll update this page if anything changes between now and then. Here’s the info for ticket purchases:

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Camp Through The Years

Hello friend of MSC! We wanted to let you know about a fairly new section at our website that we’re calling “Camp Through The Years“. It’ll be the home base for digging into the history of past camp years (both Senior and Junior Weeks) and seeing the pictures and videos we’ve collected, team standings, special awards, blog posts, etc….

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Blog Technical Difficulties

We imagine some of you have been waiting for blog posts to be coming out of Junior Week, which is currently going on. There have been some issues with getting those posts out that we are working through, so we apologize that nothing has made it out yet. In the meantime, the Junior Week Media Team has been posting…

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End-Of-Year Ice Skating Party

It’s almost time to say good bye to 2023 and ring in the new year! What else would you rather do at the end of the year besides spend some time with your MSC friends? Here’s your chance! MSC is hosting an end-of-year ice skating party on Friday afternoon 12/29 from 2:00 to 4:00 PM at the Hamilton Center…

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It’s Giving Tuesday!

It’s that time of year where we all take moments to reflect on how much God has blessed us in our lives. He enriches our passing time on this earth with so much more than we deserve. And He has gifted us in the relationships that we have with one another: those who encourage us, help us, and are…

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That’s a Wrap for MSC Senior Week

Saturday, July 8, 2023 Another wonderful, uplifting week comes to a close at MSC’s Senior Week! It was such a great week, as it always is, and the friendships made here will be life-long. The weather this morning was a bit gloomy, with showers in the morning putting a damper on a lot of things…except our spirit! Everyone was…

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2023 Camp Information

Well, it’s that time of year where the weather can’t make up its mind. Soon it will be getting warmer again and will be time for… CAMP! Yes!! As with every year, we’re all getting excited about the upcoming camp season and we have some updated information for you about 2023 Senior and Junior Weeks at our website. Important…

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DATE CHANGE For The MSC Fall Party!

There’s been a date change for THE MSC FALL PARTY! Put it on your calendars for Saturday, October 1, 2022 from 3pm to 9pm-ish. Come and enjoy time with your camp friends and families, good food, hay rides, games, fishing, and more! Updated details for the event can be found at THIS PAGE, so check back often. See you…

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