Camp Through The Years

Hello friend of MSC! We wanted to let you know about a fairly new section at our website that we’re calling “Camp Through The Years“. It’ll be the home base for digging into the history of past camp years (both Senior and Junior Weeks) and seeing the pictures and videos we’ve collected, team standings, special awards, blog posts, etc….

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Blog Technical Difficulties

We imagine some of you have been waiting for blog posts to be coming out of Junior Week, which is currently going on. There have been some issues with getting those posts out that we are working through, so we apologize that nothing has made it out yet. In the meantime, the Junior Week Media Team has been posting…

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The Wednesday Excitement: Junior Week 2023

Hello and happy Wednesday from MSC. We have a VERY full Wednesday and a long blog post ahead so get comfortable for this read. Campers started the day with their general assembly before breakfast in the Mess Hall. As soon as breakfast was over, we did our cabin pictures, team pictures, staff pictures, and a picture of everyone at…

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Tuesday Fun: Junior Week 2023

It’s our second full day of camp and we couldn’t be more excited! Campers have really hit their stride with their teams and their new friends as we head into day 3. We have a birthday at camp today! Happiest of birthdays to Eli Plummer! We love that he is celebrating with us at camp this year. The whole…

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First Full Day: Junior Week 2023

Happy Monday from Junior Week! We have loved this first full day of camp and all the wonderful memories that came with it. Campers started off their day with a flagpole assembly led by their compadres before breakfast. Our kitchen staff provided a wonderful breakfast of pancakes, bacon, eggs, and fruit. It was the perfect way to gear up…

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Kicking Off Junior Week!

Welcome to MSC Junior Camp, 2023. Staff arrived on Saturday to prepare for our Junior Week campers as Senior Week moved out. Meetings were had, streamers were thrown, posters were hung, lights were taped, spray paint was spray painted. The anticipation of campers arriving always makes campground setup fly by for our staff! Camper registration started at 2pm on…

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2023 Camp Information

Well, it’s that time of year where the weather can’t make up its mind. Soon it will be getting warmer again and will be time for… CAMP! Yes!! As with every year, we’re all getting excited about the upcoming camp season and we have some updated information for you about 2023 Senior and Junior Weeks at our website. Important…

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2023 Camp Dates Are Set!

Some of you are just getting home from Junior Week, but pack your bags! Camp dates are set for next year! Senior Week: Monday July 3, 2023 to Saturday July 8, 2023 Junior Week: Sunday July 9, 2023 to Thursday July 13, 2023 Visit the information page HERE periodically for the latest information. We’ll update this page as new…

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Happy Tuesday! Campers woke up and headed to the flagpole at 8:15 for some songs and encouragement before breakfast. Breakfast was delicious per usual and helped get campers ready for the day. This morning, Kevin reminded everyone that if they are good listeners this week while adults are talking, he will drink the slop bucket that is accumulating leftover…

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Monday Funday at MSC Junior Week 2022!

Good morning from MSC Junior Week, 2022! Campers met at the flagpole this morning bright and early for our general assembly and breakfast following. Pancakes, eggs, bacon, and fruit awaited hungry campers in the Mess Hall. Our kitchen staff has done an amazing job already with providing delicious meals, and we send them all the love for that! After…

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